
Recent and forthcoming poems in:

The William and Mary Review (2024): “Ode to Country Music”

Midway Journal (Volume 18, Issue 2, 2024): “Ars Robotica,” “Treatment for the Movie Adaption of Kafka’s Metamorphosis”

Slant 37.2 (Fall 2023): “When My Mother Loved Me”

The Madrigal (Ireland) (Sep 2021): “Off Gin Lane, waltzing”

First Literary Review-East: “How to Give Up Poetry: A Broadside”

Modern Literature: “Ambition,” “Leigh Woods Pastoral, with Uncertainty,” “Mystery Play,” “In the Chase Near Portishead,”
“Essay on Composition”

Former People: “Dear Thomas”

Littoral Press (Beltane) (UK) (May 2021): “Cabinet of Wonders,” “Eclogue the Nth,” “From the Sacred Texts,” “In Which Thomas Propositions an Angel,” “A jot of blood,” “On Hogarth’s The Bruiser

Dreich (UK): “Of the Immaculate Father,” “Southwark Broadside,” “The Word of Rowley Ripens, Briefly, into Flesh”

Ephemeral Elegies: “By Reason’s Fright and Firelight”

Anthropocene (UK): “From Childhood,” “Sidewalk Screevers,” “A Visit to Thomas Cross, Apothecary”

Sein und Werden (UK): “Eighteenth-Century Pastimes”

Illuminations 36: “Impromptu Portraits, Early Spring,” “Sadness of the Carriage,” “Shadow of the Enlightenment”

One Hand Clapping (UK): “A Last August,” “The Resurrection of Thomas Chatterton”

Open: Journal of Arts & Letters: “Chatterton Meets Rimbaud”

Open: Journal of Arts & Letters: “Grub Street Parties”

One Hand Clapping (UK): “1770 London,” “Red Cliffs”

Neologism Poetry Journal: “Worlds Betwixt”

Chiron Review: “At Chatterton’s Cafe”

Amethyst Review (UK): “Wherein Old Tom, Bent with Age, Imagines”

New World Writing: “Anatomy of the Soul,” “At Colston Hospital School,” “By St George’s Hill,” “Essay on Knowledge,” “Port of Call”

The Common: “To Be Human,” “Epistle to the Hangman’s Mistress”

New Critique (UK): “Indecision,” “Quick Note to Mother”

Nine Mile (Spring 2021): “Thomas Seeks a Patron or Lunch,” “Every Day a Little Suicide”

Plainsongs (Winter 2021): “Learning Long Division”

Nine Mile (Spring 2020): “On the Resurgence of Plague in Moscow”

Pennsylvania English (Winter 2019): “Pastoral”

Sanskrit (Vol. 50 2019): “Out of Kansas”

Mudfish 18: “Were”

Spinning Jenny 13: “Secrets for a Happy Life”

Mudfish 17: “Here They Come”